Tuesday, October 8, 2024


The Haunted Heart 

                                    by Penelope Gerhardt                                          

            Competition Leads to mayhem

Chole needed to win this year’s best Halloween Decorations. Thinking about her disappointments, no scholarship for college, couldn’t even made the minor leagues in sports and had only been a mediocre student in college, she needed to win the town’s contest, again. Winning last three years running, made her feel better about herself. However, this year should be facing the stiffest competition ever.

Max an art teacher, had moved in across the street.  Halloween being his favorite time of year the Halloween Decoration contest was right up his alley.  While Chole had grabbed his attention the minute he saw her, he was up to a little friendly competition. Only friendly and competition rarely go together.

They might pick at each other, challenge themselves when coming up with scary creative decorations; they couldn’t deny the strong attraction they had for each other. Until Chole, a tour guide for an old, haunted mansion in town, went just a little to far, awakening a vengeful spirit.


Competition isn’t my favorite trope in any story. Chole has her valid reasons, it’s her way of coping with past disappointments. As things get totally out of hand Max and Chole will have to come together to repair the damage Chole set in motion.  At one point I felt Chole had become a bit to vindictive, but she did turn around. Max was a bit more laid back and communication between to two might have made to story a little more enjoyable for me at the time. Max has a past we don’t learn yet but there is something likable about him, especially his dogged determination to win Chole over.

The ending escalated, pulling the story to a spirited ending and I had to laugh. I did end up enjoying the story and wanting to see more of the characters that played secondary parts, as well as learning more about Max and Chole. I recommend this story for those who enjoy the Halloween season and don’t mind a little STRONG competition, romance and a ghostly interference.

Sunday, September 29, 2024


Claws Of Death (Wings Of Ink bk 3)

                   Release date November 30,  2024

“Together, Ayna… Together, we’re eternal.”

Trading one prison for another, one kingdom for the next—there’s no escape for Ayna.

Myron is free, but freedom comes at steep cost.

Back in Erina’s gilded prison, Ayna has one goal: escape. But with the King of Tavras holding her captive and her sister’s sacrifice keeping her from running, she’s forced to play a dangerous game. If she fails to outmaneuver Erina, she'll never break free. But waiting for Myron to return might risk everything they’ve fought for.

As long as Myron remains free, there’s still hope.

While Ayna fights to stay strong, Myron is racing to save what’s left of his court. With the help of a fairy princess and an Askarean general, he prepares for the looming threat of Tavras, armed with magic-suppressing weapons. But Tavras isn’t the only enemy. The Flames still seek revenge, and without a powerful ally, Myron’s court is doomed. An ancient enemy might just be the ally he needs.

Packed with sizzling romance, intrigue, and high-stake battles, Claws of Death is the heart-pounding third book in the epic romantic fantasy series, Wings of Ink, perfect for fans of A Court of Thorns and Roses, Quicksilver, and From Blood and Ash.

The Wings of Ink series is part of the Alcunaire!

There will be five books in this series. Along with the prequel that set the stage for this epic romantic fantasy. But be forewardned this tale has death, danger, mystery, betrayal and more. It is a story that wrings a varitey of emotions from the reader but at its heart there is always the love that is between Ayna and Myron. Together they will stand against the odds, their jouney isn't an easy one as death dogs their steps, pain, betrayal, hatred shadows them, but their love for each other and their need to right old wrongs to bring about change...

Book Links: 

Amazon: https://amzn.to/402iuWv

Universal: https://geni.us/ClawsOfDeathLAR

Series: https://amzn.to/3UXXiy6

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/213638740-claws-of-death

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

 "The Court of Thorns and Wings" 

by Jen L. Grey

Reviewed by Katy Grant

As Travis sat by Lira on their bed her heart beat slower and slower, until it beat no more…

He was devastated, if he hadn’t taken her from Earth, if he hadn’t allowed Eldrin to push him into placing her in the gauntlet arena, not even just once but three times. He had been the one to threaten her with death, caused her pain, and now he watched her die before his eyes, his mate, the woman he couldn’t live without. He had ruled his court with fear. But death feared no man.

So, when he first felt the warmth within himself, he didn’t realize what it meant. Then Finnian called to him to look at Lira. Her fingers had moved. Slowly, so slowly and softly he could barely hear it, the beating of her heart.

They would complete the mating bond, but their journey of troubles had just begun. With her magic awakening, the Seelie would soon know that Lira was in Ardanos and not on Earth. They would come for her. Eldrin had escaped his guard and was on the run. He had the means to slip into the Seelie realm. They had to stop him. Intent on finding Eldrin, in the blink of an eye two Seelie guards incapacitated both Lira and Travis. One carried Lira away, the other left Travis bleeding out, sure he would die. Brought to the castle, something strange was happening, he had started to heal even as he was being stitched where the knife had pierced his throat.

Healed Travis and Finnian set out to find Lira but were caught at the veil by the Seelie and taken to the dungeon. As Lira awoke, she easily recognized the room as her own bedroom from her childhood. And standing there were her parents’ and sister from Earth and her biological parents. She takes the situation in quickly. She had been hidden on Earth but not with humans, they were Seelie disguised as humans. She wanted answers but first she must tell her parents of the bond between her and Travis to stop the harm they were causing his people.

Lira is anxious to explain why she had been with the Unseelie, as well as the fact that they were fated mates. Her parents wouldn’t hear of it. So, when Lira learns of Unseelie prisoners being taken to the dungeon she quickly follows to see who they have captured. Seeing Travis and Finnian she must step between her father’s raised sword and rage to prevent him from harming Travis. Now she is a suspect as well, disobedient of the King in front of her people and will be confined to her room to stop her from aiding the prisoners. Her parents demand utter subjugation from their daughter and will harm the one she loves to get it. They don’t understand that by living on Earth for so long she has learned to feel compassion for others and has come to understand the need for compromise. Together she and Travis will search for solutions that can benefit both the Seelie and Unseelie.

Why is the dragon prince, her parents had promised her to so many years ago, here now? She must find a way to free all of them before she is unwillingly married to the beast. But how can they escape?

There is a lot of misunderstandings, pain, death, villains and lies, those who are blind to truth and will not listen and many caught in the middle. The romantic connection is strong and spicy While there aren’t an abundance of answers lying thick on the ground, at the moment either. “The King of Frost and Shadows” came first, now it continues with “The Court of Thorns and Winds” not a tale you want to miss, while there is more yet to uncover.

 Grab a comfortable spot to sit, a warm drink or something a bit stronger and get ready to settle as the story unfolds with a cliffhanger last page. Looking forward to more of how it all began and how it can be resolved.  I highly recommend this fantastical tale.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Death Like Shadows    

 by Belle Manuel & Angelina J. Steffort

Griffyn had walked away like the time he had spent with Calla meant nothing. Callas was free to return to her family at the Autumn Palace. As she reached the village the smell of fire hit her first. Then the sight of the village burned to the ground, death everywhere she looked. But it was the smell of smoke, and the vision of Autumn Palace engulfed in flames that had her running head long into the burning building. The first sight was of the woman she had called mother, burned beyond hope. She reached out to her father as she heard his chocked voice but quickly realized there was no saving him. As he died in her arms, she let the flames go it was time.  She too would die, joining her family in Narall. No more would she be left behind by those who didn’t love her, the assassin and fae alike.

In the end she hadn’t died. She faced Rafe in chains, burns and cuts marred her body as the guards dropped her at Rafe’s feet. They believed it had been Calla who had set fire to the human village and the Autumn Palace killing everyone. Rafe called for the healer, after ascertaining that it hadn’t been Calla’s fire that had caused the death and destruction. Disheartened, after the death of her family, Griffyn lost to her, Calla gave in to Rafe and offered to sign over her birthright, the city of Breeda, to the fae to stop her brother from causing more pain to all her people. She would only keep Erijnu the Winter Palace and live out her existence there. Rafe and Queen Serei would accept Breeda, but Rafe was certain he would convince Calla to accept him in marriage. Then he would rule, as his right, over all the land. With Griffyn gone there was no one else that would stand in his way of ruling both fae and human alike. 

Griffyn had left with Betsy, the three eyed hyena, returning to Breeda to make sure that the word of Calla’s death would circulate and keep her safe from her brother.  Repeatedly reminding himself of his father’s warning that if Griffyn found his mate, his love, he would end by killing her as he did his mother. He had Rafe’s promise to make Calla happy. He would send Luone and her brothers away out of danger.  Meeting Nayaha in the city meant for a time he wouldn’t be alone, the companionship she offered would warm his bed and help him bury his growing feeling for Calla. Until he was called back to the land of the fae to sign as witness to Calla’s signature. Proving once again that the High Lady of the Court was alive and had indeed signed away her heritage.

Calla learned more of her father and who her birth mother had been, history of the war that had destroyed part of the fae lands, and how her mother had fought and died. However, not all secrets are revealed. Lemai, Griffyn’s father and the God of Death, will surface to torment and involve himself in the land of the living. While once again Griffyn would be drawn into the intrigue and deviltry of the fae and their manipulations. To keep his growing feelings for Calla at bay and distance himself from her presence he used Nayaha and her charms to distract both of them.

In this second book that began with “Flames Like Darkness” the secrets continue to writhe around, hiding in the dark but some will come to light. There is angst, love untold, hatred masked, heartbreak and jealousy, power seeking villains, and we will still not reach the end. Many of the characters I came to care about are back while I still want to literally shake the devil out Griffyn for being so dense. Calla is the strongest, the most compassionate while struggling to seek a solution help those who so long have been forgotten. The writing doesn’t let up and doesn’t always play nice with death lingering around, but this dark tale started to wrap its shadows around me making me want to search out all the answers and in the end hope that the next book will bring more solutions and a brighter happiness to both Calla and Griffyn. If you enjoy dark fantasy, horror and romance this one is not to miss. Belle Manuel and Angelina J. Steffort
have a combined writing styles, imagination and storytelling that definitely lights up even the darkest corners.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

of Frost and Shadows"

by Jen L. Grey 

                              Coming - August 1, 2024

Tavish, King of the Unseelie had learned to rule with the cruel hand of fear, reprisal of imprisonment or death. And always with the promise that one day they would get their revenge on the Seelie who had murdered his parents, banished the Unseelie to Cuil Dorcha, an island of death, and return them to Aetheglen. His people were dying, the land they were banished to would not support life much longer. Princess Lira, the young girl he had known, had cared for would be their way back.  Lira had been taken to the world of humans over a decade ago, the time had come to return Lira to the world of the fae. To face her death.

 Retrieved from the world of humans, Lira had been there for far too long. She had forgotten her birthright, her magic, had forgotten their time together as children. But their time had come and gone now all he needed from her was her death. Her blood would pierce the veil between realms allowing them to face the Seelie again on their terms this time. The years had changed Tavish, he’d had to become cruel and ruthless to save his people. Now he had Lira, but she must regain her memories, awaken the magic within her for the Seelie to realize she was back. Then, he would use the blood of her death to open the veil between the realms. Leading his people, they would fight, gain their revenge by killing the King and Queen of the Seelie and return to their homeland.

With the death of his parents, at fourteen, he’d had to build a wall around his heart in order to rule with the strength and power needed to control his people. Tavish hadn’t expected to feel something for Lira, nevertheless when they touched there was a spark, a connection. There were those who questioned his softer attentions towards her. They saw her not as a salvation but as a threat, for Tavish was protecting her, keeping her by his side and had forbidden any to touch her in any way or face his wrath. Still, he knew he would be the one who must take her life.

All Lira wanted was to return to the world of humans. She wasn’t fae, she didn’t have wings and was sure she held no magic within her.  So, when the chance to escape came she took it, only to be quickly caught by the townspeople. Angry, scared facing Tavish’s wrath, she tried to protect herself, threatening the King with a knife. By his own laws she would now face punishment. She would enter the gauntlet, a series of challenges in an arena while the Unseelie watched, shouting for her death. Devised by Tavish, the gauntlet was to be a means of keeping traitors in line. Lira would face the deadly obstacle course along with fifty prisoners all who needed to reach a safety point before the game ended or they died. Of the three separate games, each with its own set of deadly obstacles she must survive to the end, while trying kept the prisoners from killing her as well. Tavish may have conceived the idea of the gauntlet, but two of his counselors Eldin, his cousin, and Caelan, would be the ones to create the obstacle course and set the rules. Now Tavish must watch, in fear, as Lira would face not only the deadly games but fifty prisoners who were promised leniency if they played well and more if they killed Lira in the games.

There was once peace and even an alliance of sorts between the Seelie and Unseelie in Ardanos. Until the promise of uniting them in marriage through Prince Tavish and Princess Lira was revoked when Lira was promised to Pyralis, the Dragon Prince. Tavish had been taken and his parents murdered by Lira’s parents and the Unseelie were banished to an island that barely fed them. The mystery behind this despicable act of war would set the stage for this dark tale. Tavish would become a King that ruled with a brutal force, controlling his people by fear of his wrath and retribution. He would find the fae princess and use her blood to pass through the veil into Aetherglen with his people and take their revenge. For twelve years he and his people had longed for revenge, suffered death and hunger, so why did Tavish find the thought of Lira’s death so painful.

Lira, was taken to a world of beings who only wanted her death, for something she had no part in, a life she couldn’t even remember. No matter how cruel, how heartless these people were she still couldn’t bring herself to harm them in cold blood. Even during the games, she only fought back to defend herself. And what was it she felt for Tavish. She was angry with him at times but could not bring herself to hate him, as she believed he hated her.

A world torn apart, a people thrown from their homeland into a realm that promised only starvation, hardships and death. A young man taught to hate, rule by cruelty, without compassion and living only for revenge, until he brought Lira back to the world of the fae. She would show him another way, tear down the wall around his heart. This tale hits the street running and never slows down. Readers will be drawn into the mystery, feel the pain of abandonment, the cut of the cruel actions of Tavish, watch the viscous Eldin play his games, fall in love with Nightbane, a cù-sìth, and warm to Finnian. Delve into a tale rich with past history, mysteries, present dangers and strife even as love slowly crawls to the surface, a love that was always there, between Tavish and Lira, hope for new life and the compassion of a heroine who could still feel for the pain of others.

This is King Tavish’s story, his world, his past and present as he draws Lira in as he seeks revenge and a future for his people. Be warned that by the finish of this unresolved tale it may well leave you brokenhearted, with many unanswered questions, and longing for the next book with answers that only Jen L. Grey can give us. The Court of Thorns and Swords is the second tale.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Mated To The Wolves                      by Ophelia Black

Available July 24, 2024

Ruled by the gods, the choices you are given put you between a rock and a hard place.

Ylva’s choice…. Refuse, giving Fenrir his freedom and watch as he brings an end to every last magical being. Or accept, face her fate and become the mother of a new beginning for her people.

They came for her on graduation day, breaking the agreement to allow her to leave the pack behind, freedom to attend college and follow her dream of becoming an artist. Resisting them got her drugged and bound giving her no choice but to return to the clan, where she would answer to the demands of the power drunk Alpha, Erik Thostenson. The man she had paid to buy her forever freedom, had found a use for her. The female population within the pack had been ravaged by a virus, which had cost the lives of many females. Of those who survived, ten percent of the women of breeding age, were now sterile. Within the last five years, along with the loss of the women, all the females born had died shortly after birth. Ylva was to be the answer to saving not only the pack but placing the Alpha in complete control again.

The fire that destroyed her home had taken the lives of her father, mother, and brother. Ylva was left in the care of her despicable aunt and uncle. She was now the last of the Ekildson line, which directly links back to Fenrir, the great wolf. Fenrir, called her to his realm to fulfill a prophecy whose time was upon them. Bound by unbreakable chains, Fenrir offered Ylva a choice, that was no choice at all. She could set him free of his chains to begin the chaos of Ragnarök, a battle that would be the rid the world of all magical beings. Or return to her pack and submit to the demands of the Alpha. She couldn’t have conceived of the lengths the Alpha would go to maintain power and control over her and the pack.

She’d accepted her fate, given up her freedom. Now she was bound forever to the clan of wolves that had at best ignored her. At their worst, they had bullied her during childhood. Would it also mean giving up her dreams of being an artist?  If she had been given forewarning of the Alpha’s diabolical plans, could she have sentenced the magical world to death, simply to spite the few who had so destroyed her own life?

And so it begins…

The Alpha, in his madness and need for control, has chosen four males to become her mates. One an old friend of her father’s, one a disposed healer, one a bully that made her growing years hell, and the one she had loved who left her with unfulfilled promises. How was she to mate with them? The Alpha had made it clear submit or be forced….

Their mission was to find and secure the amulet of Fenrir for within it held a great power, only the one in possession of the disc could wield the power that would bring about change. There were others greedily seeking the amulet and all that its promise held. Ylva and her mates had to tread carefully, taking care to whom they spoke or trusted for getting in the way of the other seekers could mean death and destruction to her world and to those she was coming to care for.

Ophelia Black has given us a very complex tale based around a Norse legend. It wraps itself around the legend of Fenrir and the threat of Ragnarök, interspersing pieces of the legend and twisting it into a tale that captures the imagination. It has taken hard turns and sometimes left no good choices for the five wolves, just the lesser of the two evils. They will travel a maze froth with traps, danger, corruption, those in the shadows that would lend them a hand, hard won trust, mysteries, villains closing in, dark spells and death. It will take all five of the mates to protect each other and outwit those whose own agendas lead them to seek power overall. Each has their own personality that was slowly exposed as the story goes on. Acceptance is hard won, learning to give and take, as they come together in the search for the amulet.

 There is mystery, romance is strong and spicy hot, a reverse harem with some dominant and submissive traits. There is some bullying, both in the past and present. No good tale is without its angst, and this is no different. The story is one I am glad that I had the opportunity to travel through. I admit there were times I wanted to smack several of the characters in the back of the head to wake them up, or just shoot them. And I would love to be in character form with the chance to depose of the Alpha by serving him up to Fenrir as a slave.


As frustrated and angry as the story made me at times, I couldn’t stop myself from wanting to see how Ylva would handle everything that was thrown at her. Strong, smart, independent with a compassion that rang throughout the story. I also took note of any signs that might indicate the men were softening in their attitude towards her or realizing they might love her.  The men too were so well played out that at first, I simply wanted to just kill them off. Slowly, very slowly, they started to grow on me. The journey itself was diverse, and I found myself surprised at some of the turns the story takes. My main discord with this is Ylva being forced into relationships with men not of her choosing, and at times their dominating her in situations. There is reasoning behind their actions, these men are not soft creatures, but they are loyal and supportive of the journey, and protective of each other as a clan unto themselves. Towards the end I saw a bit of softening along with explanations, which is a start. The path they travel is a long one and not to be completed in this first book.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

“ Lost Heir”

             by Karina Espinsoa

                        Review by Katy Grant


The wait is over "Lost Heir" the continuation of Leila and Ronan's story that began with "Blood Weaver" is now available.

Learning the full wording of the prophecy that would bring the Fox Demon, Leila has come to understand why Ronan hadn’t told her the whole truth. He was searching for a means to answer the prophecy while yet saving her. Entering Valoria after being gone so many years she was first comforting by the welcome of her people, however, upon entering the Grand Hall the feeling of confinement was stifling; she knew there would be challenges ahead. Her father’s welcome was warm, so different from the look on her mother’s cold face. At once she knew there would be problems. Caelan’s anger was clearly felt, he had resented her spending any time with Ronan on the journey.  The march now over, Ronan was freed on the orders of her father, trying to prevent trouble between the Grasslands and Valoria. Ronan is free but closely watched during his time at Court.

Court politics are like ground fog swirling around their feet, whispers of war hanging in the wind, the Queen’s displeasure could be tasted in the air and Caelan’s rage was hanging in the shadows ready to pounce. Leila has been changed by the things she has seen as well as by her interactions over the years with people at all levels. A change that will not bode well for the plans some have for the Lost Princess.


Housed in the Northern Castle while Leila is in the Eastern Castle, Ronan still manages to find his way to her suite in order to assure her of his love and protection even against his father. While in the face of her mother’s angry disapproval, the two manage to spend time together talking, making plans and exploring their love which has grown beyond mere words and has culminated into the physical realm. Ronan and Leila are not the only ones that are searching for answers to questions that arise there are murmurs of a lost heir, talk of war on the horizon, whispers of rebellion and a push for a political for a marriage. Marcellus surprisingly stands up to his mother in favor of his sister and has his father agreeing that he will never force his children to marry against their wishes. When Caelan discovers Leila and Ronan in a compromising position, his plotting becomes even more assiduous as he whispers his lies into most willing ears. Ronan needs to leave Valoria before Caelan’s lies get him imprisoned once again.  Help comes from an unexpected source as Marcellus finally starts to realize that something is very wrong with his old friend Caelan, that he is a danger to both his sister and Ronan. Plans for Ronan’s escape will now include Leila since she won’t leave his side. They quickly flee for their lives. While running towards what they believe is safety, they find unexpected allies, and learn dark secrets that come to light.

But will they find the help they need or is death awaiting them. Together Ronan and Leila are stronger but with so many secrets yet to come to light and villains still hiding behind friendship the ending is still uncertain as we await the final chapter yet to come.

Court schemes and politics across all three realms, have need of Lyanna for her position and powers. What they don’t realize is the past ten years has allowed Leila to gain some control over her powers, to delve into even darker powers and she won’t hesitate to use them. No one will ever control her life again. Her choices, decisions, for good or bad will be her’s alone.

There are whispers of a Lost Heir, but who is this person? Why is Lyanna's mother so eager to see her tied in marriage to Caelan? What is really behind Caelan’s insistence that Lyanna will be his?

There is treachery, jealousy, insatiable ambition, danger, characters from “Blood Weaver ‘’ will show up to help carry the tale further, spicy romance and distorted beliefs that could bring death.  I couldn't finish it fast enough and will now go back to read "Blood Weaver" and "Lost Heir" while wanting to learn of the fate of those who have drawn me into their world.

  The Haunted Heart                                      by  Penelope Gerhardt                                                        Comp...