Monday, January 2, 2017

Pamphlet designed to offer web sights with information for the
most popular Harry Potter at the time. It became a tri-fold.  8/2000               
Storybear who introduced stories I wrote

As I was going through some old, very old, files I found some things I created when the software was available to create your own web pages. Most were geared towards library programs or information that pointed the reader towards websites that offered craft ideas, articles about reading with children, how to setup a story time and more. These were long before Pinterest came online.
But sometimes I think remembering how we used to do things that are now a simple click away, still helps to stretch your imagination leading to a new way to doing something. When you reach a block sometimes a simple picture, suggestion or brainstorming session with others are the only push you might need. Then give yourself some time to explore these new ideas to develop original crafts, storytime or simply another way to do something.
                 If nothing else, I hope these will make you smile.

Diagon Alley 8/2000

Flyaways - found in books

     Over the years, I have haunted used book stores, worked in one and for almost 40 years  I have worked in libraries. In all that time the things I have found in books didn't strike me as something I should be interested in for the most part. That is until I found a book filled with copies of old recipes found in books by a dealer in used books.
      So I started looking at the things I found in library books along with things I found in used books I purchased. They made me smile some of these make shift book marks. If the readers were like me, not all were meant to hold your place in the book. Instead the book was just a convienent place to hold a note, post card, mail, photo, etc. that I had in my hand at that moment and than forgot about.
       I decided this was something that I might make a fun display for curious children and adults. So I sent out a message around the library and on one of my listservs to see what others might have found. And people started to send me things. So far my favorites are ordinary library date due cards long forgotten in book pockets no longer in use by the library. One was dated all the way back to 1942 and another not so far back 1968, oh and yes a post card from a far off country.
    To my surprise and delight, like a child that thinks he discovered the Little Dipper in the sky only to realize that people have been talking about it for years, I found blogs about things found in books, articles, photos and others who have been collecting for years. I also found they have a name "flyaways" someone said it is an old term from the book trade, still searching for info.

  The Haunted Heart                                      by  Penelope Gerhardt                                                        Comp...