Sunday, June 16, 2024

“ Lost Heir”

             by Karina Espinsoa

                        Review by Katy Grant


The wait is over "Lost Heir" the continuation of Leila and Ronan's story that began with "Blood Weaver" is now available.

Learning the full wording of the prophecy that would bring the Fox Demon, Leila has come to understand why Ronan hadn’t told her the whole truth. He was searching for a means to answer the prophecy while yet saving her. Entering Valoria after being gone so many years she was first comforting by the welcome of her people, however, upon entering the Grand Hall the feeling of confinement was stifling; she knew there would be challenges ahead. Her father’s welcome was warm, so different from the look on her mother’s cold face. At once she knew there would be problems. Caelan’s anger was clearly felt, he had resented her spending any time with Ronan on the journey.  The march now over, Ronan was freed on the orders of her father, trying to prevent trouble between the Grasslands and Valoria. Ronan is free but closely watched during his time at Court.

Court politics are like ground fog swirling around their feet, whispers of war hanging in the wind, the Queen’s displeasure could be tasted in the air and Caelan’s rage was hanging in the shadows ready to pounce. Leila has been changed by the things she has seen as well as by her interactions over the years with people at all levels. A change that will not bode well for the plans some have for the Lost Princess.


Housed in the Northern Castle while Leila is in the Eastern Castle, Ronan still manages to find his way to her suite in order to assure her of his love and protection even against his father. While in the face of her mother’s angry disapproval, the two manage to spend time together talking, making plans and exploring their love which has grown beyond mere words and has culminated into the physical realm. Ronan and Leila are not the only ones that are searching for answers to questions that arise there are murmurs of a lost heir, talk of war on the horizon, whispers of rebellion and a push for a political for a marriage. Marcellus surprisingly stands up to his mother in favor of his sister and has his father agreeing that he will never force his children to marry against their wishes. When Caelan discovers Leila and Ronan in a compromising position, his plotting becomes even more assiduous as he whispers his lies into most willing ears. Ronan needs to leave Valoria before Caelan’s lies get him imprisoned once again.  Help comes from an unexpected source as Marcellus finally starts to realize that something is very wrong with his old friend Caelan, that he is a danger to both his sister and Ronan. Plans for Ronan’s escape will now include Leila since she won’t leave his side. They quickly flee for their lives. While running towards what they believe is safety, they find unexpected allies, and learn dark secrets that come to light.

But will they find the help they need or is death awaiting them. Together Ronan and Leila are stronger but with so many secrets yet to come to light and villains still hiding behind friendship the ending is still uncertain as we await the final chapter yet to come.

Court schemes and politics across all three realms, have need of Lyanna for her position and powers. What they don’t realize is the past ten years has allowed Leila to gain some control over her powers, to delve into even darker powers and she won’t hesitate to use them. No one will ever control her life again. Her choices, decisions, for good or bad will be her’s alone.

There are whispers of a Lost Heir, but who is this person? Why is Lyanna's mother so eager to see her tied in marriage to Caelan? What is really behind Caelan’s insistence that Lyanna will be his?

There is treachery, jealousy, insatiable ambition, danger, characters from “Blood Weaver ‘’ will show up to help carry the tale further, spicy romance and distorted beliefs that could bring death.  I couldn't finish it fast enough and will now go back to read "Blood Weaver" and "Lost Heir" while wanting to learn of the fate of those who have drawn me into their world.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

 The Sinner's Bargain 

       by Airika Phoenix

                                              reviewed by Katy Grant

Release date June 4, 2024

Their lives had been full of pain; they need each other to crawl free of the past.  

 Thoran lives in a veritable mansion with the splendor of a castle that has long been neglected covered in dust, chipping away at its beauty.  Just as the anger inside him, his nightmares, are chipping away at him. His need to control what he cannot has led him down a dark path to become a ruthlessly successful businessman, on the grey side of the law. Dealing with those who feed on humanity, the twisted. The one thing he values is the small patch of silver roses his mother so lovingly tended before her death. And soon he will lose it all, if he cannot procure a wife. He has tried five times and five times the curse of the house has brought them violent death. Until her.


Naya was the bargaining chip with which her parents intended to use in order to gain the money to pay their debts and continue to live the lifestyle they valued beyond their daughter. A son was to be valued a daughter to be sold to the highest bidder. All her life Naya was controlled by fear and punishment, never allowed freedom outside of her room and even there her mother held sway. Paraded in front of those who came to her parent’s house for business purposes but enjoyed the look and touch of a young beautiful girl. Until he came, Brixton was the worst. A bargain made for her at fourteen, her body, her life bought and sold. Without the help of her brother the man would have taken her then. For six years more she escaped his revolting touch, mostly. On the eve of her wedding, she was to be sent to him, but her brother had other ideas. He had an escape plan. Sadly, it went wrong, and she ended up in the garden of the beast, from which no one ever left.


Running from the man who was intended to set on the road to a new life, Naya ran into the garden of silver roses but was quickly found by her tormentor. Just as quickly Thoran and Cyrus found them both by the bed of roses and called a halt to their struggles. Naya feared her escape was short lived when Thoran pulled her into his arms heading for the house.  No one ever entered the garden and lived to tell of it. Except there was something that drew Thoran to her innocence. Perhaps they could save each other. The tormentor was another situation, he would die but not before he suffered for daring to touch this woman that the beast thought of as his.


This dark fairy tale had the feel of the past, deadly curses and a forced marriage, but was in truth set in the present encroached with mafia style domination and business dealings. Thoran was a beast always in control devoid of sympathy for those outside of a few.  Naya was a beautiful young woman whose only protection against her greedy perverted parents was her brother. The draw that each felt towards the other was a crack in the wall Thoran he had built around himself. He’d lived with the curse of death the house promised all his life, he’d been betrayed by a friend and buried five young women who had hoped to be his wife. It had left him without a heart or compassion but somehow this slight beautiful young woman had made him want to keep her with him, to protect her to touch her.


After the first few pages, I wanted to skip a chapter or two to see if I would be able to continue. Somehow the story took hold of me and wouldn’t let go, wouldn’t let me try to bypass the picture it painted in my mind, I held my breath and continued. In the end, I realized this was the perfect beginning to capture my attention, to let the story tell itself in its own way. It let me walk through the pages, to be a voyeur who could look and feel but not touch. The darker elements a reader will encounter are psychological child l abuse, sexual harassment of a child, loss of beloved parents, forced marriage, mafia type enforcement, and death. There is light under it all trusted friends and family, love and protection, characters who change for the better, friendships made and a spicy romance that will outlive the ages. In my opinion this story needed both to make it one I will never forget, share with others and return to read again.  Check this one out, read a few pages but don’t let the first few chapters put you off, it is a grand story.

  The Haunted Heart                                      by  Penelope Gerhardt                                                        Comp...